Innovation at Sleep DownUnder 2019
Sleep DownUnder is Australia's premier annual event for the sleep health business. This year the event was held at the new International Convention Centre in Sydney and saw a rise in attendance over previous years.
Amongst the emerging sleep industry benchmark companies, ApneaSeal presented, for the first time, a functional example of their entirely new mask system. Having recently filed additional patents to those already granted, the ApneaSeal team was ready to present a taste of what’s to come in early 2020.
Key opinion leaders, clinicians, and physicians were impressed by demonstrations that showed the new mask exerting an exceptionally light touch against the face despite the 3D Seal being made of a rigid material compared with traditional soft silicone rubber. However, the real attraction was once the new ApneaSeal mask was shown to seal easily with no leaking at exceptionally high pressures well beyond normal CPAP therapy pressures, without any further tightening or over-tightening of headgear straps. The robustness of this seal at these high pressures is thought to be unheard of in the industry.
Based on the potential of providing an exceptionally strong seal and high comfort, it absolutely was no surprise the technology also had plenty of interest from paediatric physicians and clinicians. ApneaSeal looks forward to following up on the high level of interest from both the medical field as well as new dealers.